Mackenzie McKee: Mother Stops Chemo After Revealing She Has Only Six Months to Live

If you saw this week's episode of Teen Mom OG, the season finale, then you saw the heartbreaking scenes with Mackenzie McKee and her mother, Angie.

And, well, sorry, but it's about to get even more tragic.

Mackenzie McKee and Angie Douthit

All the way back at the very beginning of 2018, Angie was diagnosed with cancer: it was in her brain, in her lungs, then in her bones ...

When she was diagnosed, it was determined that she was already in Stage Four, the last stage of cancer development.

Her prognosis has been getting worse and worse, but somehow, she's kept going, and she's kept her faith.

Despite the fact that the cancer continues to spread, she and Mackenzie and the rest of the family keep hoping that she'll be cured.

Mackenzie McKee with Mom

Sadly, now she seems to realize that that probably won't happen.

On Monday's episode, we saw Angie tell her family that after her latest doctor's visit, the cancer is "in both femurs, it's in my breast bone, it's in my hip bones -- this backbone that's attached to your hip bone, it's back there."

"It's half of my liver. It's in the lymph nodes of my colon and the lymph nodes in my lungs. I have another tumor in my head."

And if that wasn't bad enough, she said that her doctor told her that "six months would be really, really pushing it."

Angie Douthit Smiles Despite Everything

"The doctors know they can't do anything about this, really," she admitted.

We're not sure exactly when that conversation was filmed, but considering the other things featured in the episode, we'd wager that tough talk took place no more than two months ago.

So how is Angie doing these days?

Well, we wish we had good news, but that's simply not the case.

Ange Douthit Image

Mackenzie just spoke with Radar Online about the situation, and as she explained it, "We just got the news yesterday that her blood counts are too low to continue with chemo."

"There has been no miracle," she added, "but she is still with us."

Angie explained this a little more thoroughly on Instagram -- apparently she goes in for chemo every Monday, and they check her blood count first to see if it's high enough.

It hasn't been for the past couple of weeks, and this week it was low enough that she was sent to get blood instead of just being sent home.

Ange Douthit and Family

In classic Angie fashion, she said that she looked at it is a nice little break from chemo, but she did say that she'll go back next Monday to see if she can get the treatment again.

"God knows if I'll ever need chemo again," she wrote. "I refuse to stress knowing God is in control."

It seems like she now understands the hard truth that she won't be cured.

On Teen Mom OG, we saw her say that the hardest part of the whole thing is that her grandchildren "won't remember" her after she's gone.

Mackenzie McKee, Son

"I hope I've been a good mom and a good nanny," she said. "And I hope you guys will tell your kids about me all the time."

We don't think that will be a problem -- Mackenzie's oldest son, Gannon, is definitely old enough to remember his grandmother.

And Mackenzie told Radar that he's spending as much time with her as possible.

"Everyday is a new day with Gannon," she said. "He always wants to be with her."

"She lives down the road from my new home so sometimes he escapes to go sit with her."

We hope that Gannon and the rest of Angie's grandchildren have lots and lots of time left with her, and that she remains happy and comfortable and comforted in the coming months.

What an absolute tragedy.

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